Andrew Daugherty
In 2012 Andrew began working for us assembling and machining yo-yos, but its not all robots and side effects! Outside of yoyo, Andrew enjoys a competitive game of tennis and is putting his pen to the digital canvas as he is pursuing a career as a concept artist for video games.
YoYo History
"Hmmmmmm, where do i begin?
I like yo-yos, the end….
just kidding :)
When I was in high school, a group of my close friends would meet up and hang out all day at card shop and play a myriad of games (from board games to trading card games). One day the owner of the shop (a good friend too) told us that he used to yoyo and he was wanting to get us interested in it, only later did we did find out that he was planning on buying the yoyo product of another store going out of business to sell at his shop….I see what you did there.
My first yoyo was a flying squirrel and I couldn't get enough of it! though I couldn't do a lot I was having a lot of fun. About 2 months after we all started at the shop the owner told us he was going to Chico and check out Nationals. We were all jealous and forced him to take us with him. We all decided to enter the trick ladder portion and that is when the practicing began! we soon discovered that we needed an unresponsive yoyo to do a lot of the tricks more effectively so I shelved my flying squirrel and upgraded to a Dif-e-yo cross bones.
After a long drive with 8 people shoved into a van and sharing a 2 bed motel with those same 8 smelly, nerdy, people I call my friends, we made it to chico and arrived to the 2007 national yoyo contest! I was excited, I had seen what good yo-yoing was and was excited to see it all in person. We had our go at the sports ladder and I….didn't get past Boing-E-Boing. Though I got 50th place out of 54, the experience was amazing, and so much fun, memories I wont forget.
Awhile later, I met a man named Colin Leland and he was working on making his own yoyo with this random company you might know…OneDrop. I got to see the very beginning of the project, but before it made it to the full on production, I fell out of yo-yoing trying to catch up in high school and would only pick it up here and there for the next three and a half years.
About four months ago I picked it up again and have been attacking it full force, I even forget to eat breakfast before I go to work sometimes because I'm throwing. Yoyoing is quickly becoming a big part of my life and being with onedrop is only going to make that bond stronger. Being inside the shop I see all the hard work, precision, and high standards that OneDrop set for each and every one of their products. The over all feel of the company fits me perfectly. I am honored to be on the best yoyo team in the world."