Matthew Giroux
Western Massachusetts native Matthew Giroux is well loved by the northeast yoyo scene. A regular on sport master podiums and at craft breweries, Matthew loves his beers hoppy, and his yoyos purple and green. And with over 5 years experience in the modern yoyo scene, Forum eXpert status at YYE, and deity status behind a grill...Matthew is the man to meet, rap about favorite One Drop models, and join for a great dining experience and a bottle of your favorite craft brew.
YoYo History
"I can always remember having a few yo-yos lying around. For years, it was trusty old Imperials and Butterflys. During my freshman year of high school (way back in 1991!) we stopped by Faneul Hall while on a field trip to Boston. A few of us wandered into Kites of Boston (an old hobby shop tucked away upstairs in the market) and were psyched to see yo-yos!! The legendary Tom Kuhn yo-yo's to be exact! We each bought one and for the next few years they are all the 4 or 5 of us played. Then, in the late 90s, I was at a party and one of my old yo-yo buddies was throwing a Spintastics Tigershark. I knew instantly that I had to have one. So from about 97' 98' till about 00' I was throwing them and some old school Yomegas. Next, in 2004 I went to A2Z (to this day I do not know why I was there) and saw that they had an amazing case of yo-yos. I went home with a YoYoJam Mini Motrix. Again, a few years go by and I kinda lost interest. Finally, in 2010 I was looking through my old yo-yo collection and I thought "HMmmmm I wonder what is out there now." I googled "modern yo-yo" and I was blown away with what I found. More and more yo-yo companies and very colorful yo-yos. I also did a few YouTube searches and came across the now legendary instructional videos and earlier freestyles by André Boulay. All of that lead me to YoYoExpert.com. After doing a bit of research i realized that I lived about 20 minutes from them! I emailed André and set a date for a visit. That day I left with 3 new yo-yos. Two of which were One Drop's including my beloved Y Factor! From that moment I have been permanently hooked. I have been attending A2Z yo-yo school ever since and am a regular at all the New England contests. I was lucky enough to attend the 2013 World Yo-Yo Contest and plan to be in Cleveland this year!!! Since the day I walked out of YYE I have had a special love for One Drop...not just the yo-yos but for the amazing community they have helped to create. I'd like to give a MASSIVE thanks to David, Shawn, Paul and everyone else at One Drop for this awesome honor!!!"