Paul Dang
We met Paul Dang in 2008 and our friendship has flourished since. In 2009, we asked Paul to join the team, of course he said yes! His commitment, talent and charisma towards life are few of of the many reasons we decided to ask him to join. He's grown as a yoyoer and more importantly as a person through this partnership.
In 2012, Paul packed his bags and moved two hours south to Eugene to work for us full time. Since then, he has been frolicking in his office, assembling and testing yoyos. He is also the head of our marketing and social media department, taking pictures, video and keeping the community informed on what's happening at the shop. We are proud and honored to have Paul Dang aboard!
YoYo History
"I thought I'd be solving Rubik's Cubes all day long for the rest of my life. Until one day, a good friend of mine, Jeromy Nguyen, approached me with proposition, "Since I can't achieve quick times on the Rubik's Cube, I'm going to start a new hobby and destroy you at it." Being a competitive person that am, I knew I couldn't step back from this challenge. So I stared deep into his eyes and told him, "Noob-Cake, go ahead and try." That very next day, I stopped by my local retailer of goods and picked up a Duncan Butterfly. A week later, he came in and had a Duncan Freehand Zero. After finding out his yo-yo contained a ball bearing, I knew I had to find an upgrade. So I returned home and tried to look for a ball bearing. As I sat in my room, saddened by the fact I couldn't find a bearing after hours of searching, I had almost given up, until I glanced at my skateboard. Bingo, so I dismantled my skateboard and took the bearing, shoved it into my Butterfly and threw it with all my might. My string snapped and I was out of luck. That was during the summer of 2007.
A month after my dreadful accident, I came across a Duncan Flying Squirrel while on vacation in California. I wasn't introduced into high end metal yo-yos until the fall of 2007 when Jeromy called me and told me about a local yo-yo designer he got in touch with. Not so long after that, I was able to meet him, he went by the name Colin Leland. From then on, everything just seemed to click."